Attendance Policy for CF Foundation Events

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has an attendance policy for all Foundation events, meetings, and offices to preserve the health and well-being of all people, including people with cystic fibrosis, by reducing the risk of getting and spreading dangerous germs.

Updated on July 5, 2023

The CF Foundation is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of individuals attending Foundation events, including community members, volunteers, staff, and others.

For Your Safety and the Safety of Others

If you feel sick or recently tested positive for COVID-19 or a communicable illness within the past five days, we ask that you do not attend Foundation events.

To help keep our community safe and healthy, we ask that attendees at CF Foundation events follow these steps:

  • You should follow basic infection, prevention, and control practices by regularly washing your hands with soap and water or with an alcohol-based hand gel, and by covering your cough or sneeze.
  • For the health and well-being of the CF community, we strongly encourage that individuals are up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccinations when joining us in-person for events. 
  • Testing for COVID-19
    • You are encouraged to test prior to travel to a large Foundation event.
    • You must test if you have COVID-19 symptoms.
    • You must test five days following a recent known exposure to someone with COVID-19.
  • Wearing a High-Quality Mask (e.g., N-95)
    • Unless otherwise required by the CDC, local mandates, or as outlined below, masks are optional at Foundation events. 
    • You must wear a mask for ten days if you have tested positive for COVID-19.
    • You must wear a mask for ten days if you have had a known exposure to someone with COVID-19; however, you may remove your mask after five days if you test negative for COVID-19.
    • For events hosted by the CF Foundation, masks may be available on-site.
  • Please be advised that certain events, localities, and venues may require you to wear masks and be up-to-date on your COVID-19 vaccinations. We will communicate these requirements, including needing to provide proof of vaccination, in event communications.
  • Persons with CF may wish to consult their physician before participating in in-person events as they may be at an increased risk.
  • For indoor events, it is Foundation policy to invite only one person with CF to be in-person at the event at a time. For outdoor events, we recommend people with CF maintain a safe 6-foot distance from other attendees.
  • The Foundation encourages individuals to follow CDC guidance and make informed decisions based upon their health, including taking additional health and safety precautions when they prefer.

While the Foundation has taken steps to host safe events for our community, due to the inherent risk of being in public places or gatherings, attendees at Foundation events may be exposed to illness, such as COVID-19. We cannot guarantee that people present at the event, including participants, sponsors, volunteers, vendors, or others are up-to-date on their vaccinations. Attendees may be asked to sign acknowledgements or waivers regarding the risks of COVID-19.

NACFC 2024 Policy

With the health and safety of everyone in mind, the CF Foundation strongly encourages that all attendees be up to date with their seasonal vaccinations prior to attending NACFC.

Attendees walk in hallway
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